Mark Theoharis


Mark Theoharis is a writer and former attorney who specializes in legal writing for non-lawyers. The need to translate the Byzantine world of legal language into something an average reader can understand and use led him to create his own company, where he has provided law firms, companies, and professionals with a range of services, from creating manuals and guides to ghostwriting books and blog posts.

Articles By Mark Theoharis

Juvenile Vandalism: Laws and Penalties
The crime of vandalism occurs whenever someone intentionally damages property that belongs to someone else. Juvenile vandalism typically involves an offender younger than 18.
False Arrest
False arrest, sometimes known as false imprisonment or wrongful arrest, occurs when someone wrongfully holds you against your will or takes you into custody.
Laws on Manufacturing Drugs
Illegally manufacturing drugs can involve participation in any stage of the process, from propagation and preparation to compounding and processing.
Possession of a Prohibited Weapon: Laws and Penalties
The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, but there are limits. Read here about what kinds of weapons are often prohibited, the circumstances that make having weapons illegal, and the legal consequences of breaking these laws.
Felony Theft and Larceny Laws
Learn how states define and penalize felony theft and felony larceny.
Failure to Stop and Render Aid (Hit and Run)
A person facing hit-and-run charges could face felony penalties. Learn about your duty to stop and render aid if you're involved in a car accident.
Reckless Driving Violations and Penalties
The crime of reckless driving occurs whenever someone operates a vehicle in such a way that it poses a risk to others. Unlike some other traffic laws, reckless driving is highly dependent on the circumstances of each individual case.
Good Samaritan and Bystander Laws
Learn about Good Samaritan laws, their purpose, and their protections, and what responsibilities bystanders may have in emergencies.
Incorrigibility: Juvenile Laws
Incorrigibility laws still exist, although they may go by different terms. Learn how incorrigibility laws work and what the consequences might be to the juvenile and their family.
Securities Fraud: Sentencing and Penalties
Securities fraud is a crime that typically involves complicated facts and extensive government investigations, and one that can lead to lengthy jail sentences and stiff fines if you are convicted.