Criminal Record Expungement in Alaska

Expungement isn't generally an option in Alaska; sealing can be.

By , MSLIS · Long Island University
Updated 3/22/2024

Alaska doesn't have an expungement law. In limited instances, a person can get an incorrect record sealed.

Can You Seal Your Criminal Record in Alaska?

In Alaska, you can ask an agency to seal your record only if the record is, beyond a reasonable doubt, based on mistaken identity or false accusation.

If your criminal record is sealed, the information it contains may be disclosed only for purposes of:

  • record management (including auditing)
  • criminal justice employment
  • your own review
  • statistics or research
  • prevention of imminent harm to a person, or
  • a use permitted by law or court order.

To have your records sealed, you must complete a form called Request to Seal Criminal Justice Information.

(Alaska Stat. § 12.62.180 (2024).)

How to Correct an Inaccurate Criminal Record in Alaska

If your criminal record is not based on mistaken identity or false accusation, but contains other errors, you may be able to have it corrected. To do so, you must complete a form called Request to Correct Criminal Justice Information.

More Information on Alaska Criminal Records

For more information on Alaska criminal records, check out the Division of Statewide Services (part of the Alaska Department of Public Safety). Its website covers Frequently Asked Questions regarding criminal history records.

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