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Rhode Island Criminal Defense Lawyers

Ratcliffe Harten Burke & Galamaga LLP

Complex legal problems can be difficult to navigate without an attorney who knows the way. At Ratcliffe Harten Burke & Galamaga LLP, we provide guidance to clients in a broad range of legal matters.

Providence, RI

We offer effective legal solutions to individuals and businesses alike. Whether our clients are business owners facing a contract dispute or families needing assistance with probate, our attorneys will be by their side to light the way forward.

Larochelle Law

Providence, RI

The Law Office of Thomas C. Thomasian, Esq

Rhode Island Criminal Attorney

Providence, RI

Rhode Island criminal defense lawyer Tom Thomasian has represented thousands of people throughout Rhode Island who have been charged with both misdemeanor and felony crimes.

Murphy & Fay, LLP

Providence , RI

Daley Orton

Warwick, RI

Murphy & Fay, LLP

Providence, RI

Alves Law Offices, Inc.

East Providence, RI

Moyer Law, PC

Warwick, RI

Law Offices of John E. MacDonald, Inc.

Criminal Defense Attorney at Providence, RI

Providence, RI

John E. MacDonald is a trial attorney with 25+ years experience practicing Criminal Defense, Family Law, Immigration Law and Post-Conviction Relief in Providence, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Mr. MacDonald represents clients in state and federal court in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. He has aggressively and successfully defended clients charged in

Orabona Law

Providence, RI

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